Saturday, August 31, 2019

Department of Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality Essay

1. Introduction and welcome Marketing is part of all of our lives and touches us in some way every day. It is also a key factor in business success and is increasingly used by organisations in a wide range of sectors. The unit begins with an examination of the marketing concept and marketing theory. It goes on to consider the various issues that marketers face in marketing decision making and the concepts and theories that can help. The unit helps you to understand the challenges of marketing management in manufacturing and service industries: analysing marketing environments; evaluating strategic alternatives and designing marketing programmes involving decisions about products/services and important concepts of the services marketing theory. The focus in this unit therefore is on the theory and practice of marketing in the context of organisations. On completion of the unit you will have gained understanding of the decisions that face marketers in a complex and dynamic environment and the concepts and theories that can be used to inform these decisions. This handbook outlines the content and key features of the unit. We hope you enjoy this unit and find the variety of tasks and assessments both interesting and challenging. The unit essentially continues the theme of integration by providing the necessary marketing input into the Applied Integrated Business core unit. Accordingly, the subject content will serve to reinforce and contextualise the learning within that unit. The focus will be on an interactive and active learning environment to engage students in learning activities throughout the sessions. This handbook should be your first point of reference. It outlines everything you will need to know about how this unit is structured, the assessments and the reading that is required. Please take some time to read it carefully. This handbook will help you progress smoothly and enjoyably through this unit. You will also find a regularly updated source of information and an electronic copy of this handbook in the unit website on Blackboard BREO. The address is: (no www required) 2.Unit leader and team details Unit Leader Ioannis Kostopoulos Ioannis Kostopoulos is a Lecturer in the Department of Marketing Tourism and Hospitality at University of Bedfordshire. His research interests are in services marketing, internal marketing and market research. During his consulting work he has worked with many large organizations in the hospitality, telecommunications and sports’ industry. He holds a PhD in Services Marketing, a master’s degree in Marketing and Communications and a bachelor’s degree in Statistics. Email: Office hours: Wednesday 10-11 am and Thursday 12- 13 pm Office: To be arranged (Students will be informed through BREO) Telephone Number: To be arranged (Students will be informed through BREO) Other Lecturers Tony Pyne Tony Pyne, now semi retired, has taught marketing at the University of Bedfordshire for 20 years. His research interests are in not for profit marketing and services marketing. Prior to becoming an academic he was the marketing director of a small international market research agency specialising in high tech products and before that its operations director. He has a master’s degree in marketing, a PGCE and is a graduate chemist Email: Office hours: Friday’s 10am -2pm Office: JM02 Telephone Number: 3457 Field Administrator Sally Mayne Vicarage Street (H Block). Email: 3. Aims and learning outcomes 3.1 Unit aims The focus in this unit is on the theory and practice of marketing in the context of organisations. On completion of the unit you will have gained understanding of the decisions that face marketers in a complex and dynamic environment and the concepts and theories that can be used to inform these decisions. 3.2 Learning Outcomes | On completion of this unit you should be able to:| To achieve the learning outcome you must demonstrate the ability to:| LO1| Understand the nature, scope and role of marketing in organisations| Describe and apply the basic marketing tools and concepts and articulate the role of marketing in a variety of organizations| LO2| Be able to identify and discuss the key issues that marketers face as they make decisions| Critically review published work on a range of marketing issues| LO3| Understand and discuss the key concepts and theories that inform marketing decisions| Propose well researched and theoretically underpinned solutions to marketing problems | LO4| Identify and analyse marketing problems and plan appropriate courses of action| Be able to formulate plans for marketing activities, including appropriate marketing mix policies and be able to defend and justify proposals for marketing plans and actions.| L05| Apply marketing theory in different organisational contexts| Be able to formulate plans for marketing activities, including appropriate marketing mix policies and be able to defend and justify proposals for marketing plans and actions.| LO6| To express ideas and findings and proposals both verbally and in writing| Write coherently on the subject with accurate referencing, spelling, punctuation and grammar and make clear, timely and well structured presentations.| 4. Approach to learning * Unit delivery will use a combination of lectures and seminars, with the emphasis in seminars being on discussion and debate providing students with an opportunity to relate theoretical content to real-life practical situations. The one hour lecture aims to provide students with useful elements from the pertinent theory and increase their theoretical knowledge and technical skills. Practical seminar activities will be used where appropriate (for example video material, case studies, role play) and students will be encouraged to work individually and in groups to develop a thorough appreciation of the many issues examined. The use of small groups to prepare and present case studies in workshops will aim to provide further experience of working collaboratively, the opportunity to manage a problem-solving group, and the ability to present material clearly and concisely. The primary objective of the presentation is to further develop the ability to present complex ideas orally in a clear, coherent and concise fashion. There will also be a need to defend the ideas in the subsequent group discussion. The presentation topics, which are an integral part of the module, are designed to enhance and deepen understanding of the subject material. * * Attendance and participating in classes Studying at the University of Bedfordshire is not just about subject knowledge. We are also concerned to help you develop your wider attributes and skills. To do this you will need to attend and actively engage in the range of learning activities the course provides. Because attendance is fundamental to your development we do expect you to attend. We will monitor your attendance and contact you if it gives cause for concern. The Division operates a strict non-attendance policy which is available to view on BREO. You can help us by notifying us of any factors that affect your ability to attend. If you are absent from your studies through illness then it’s important that you let us know. You should contact the unit leader or the Field Administrator, Sally Mayne at If your absence is likely to affect your ability to complete your studies or submit assignments then you can apply for an extension or deferral through the Student Engagement and Mitigating Circumstances Teams. If you feel that your problems are serious enough to be considered for Mitigating Circumstances you will need to apply before the deadline by filling in a Mitigating Circumstances form. Forms can be printed from SiD online or a hard copy can be collected the Student Information Desk (SiD). A decision will normally be available to you within 48 hours of receipt of the claim form and evidence. Progress of the application can be checked by accessing SiD online or by visiting the Student Information Desk (SiD). They can be contacted at or by telephoning 0300 300 0042. 5. Assessment brief 5.1 Assessment Overview No| Assessment method | Description of assessment methods| Weight (%)| Submission date | Form of feedback| 1| GroupAssignment| Group Presentation with Report| 30%| 7th December 2013| Summative & Formative| 2| IndividualAssignment| Progress Portfolio| 30%| 22nd March 2013| Summative & Formative| 3| UnseenExams| End of Unit Examination (2 hours)| 40%| End of Unit| Summative| 5.2 Group Assignment You are asked to form groups of 5-6 persons. Then you should visit a store(s) of a chosen international chain of coffee shops (e.g. Starbucks, Costa Cafe) or fast food restaurants (e.g. McDonalds, KFC ), observe and make notes regarding the following: * Store’s Service capes * Service delivery process * Customers and employees’ reactions during the service encounter * Service quality You may use photographs to support your discussions. However, please ensure that you ask permission from the store manager before doing so. Then you should prepare and hand in an audio visual podcast presentation and a written report that should contain the following: – Presentation Your presentation is to be in the form of an audio visual podcast submitted via DVD, memory stick e.t.c. There will not be an in-class presentation. The presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes and it is a presentation to a formal business committee. In this presentation you will point out any fail points or points that need improvement, in the delivery of the provided service in the store and suggest ways in which the store can upgrade the level of quality of the service provided to customers without significantly increasing the cost of the service delivery. – Written Report For your report you should use your notes from the store observation, general information you will collect on the international chain of your choice as well as material from the pertinent literature and include in your report the following: * A blueprint of the provided service * An evaluation of the store’s physical evidence and the degree to which they are aligned with the company’s general profile * An evaluation of the degree to which the specific chain is market oriented Format for submission – Presentation The length of the presentation should not be longer than 10 minutes The presentation is to be in the form of an audio visual podcast submitted via DVD, memory stick or Utube, i.e. there will not be an in-class presentation. – Written Report * The word limit for is 2000 words. * All work should be word processed using either Times New Roman or Arial font, Arial 12 point; 1.5 line spacing; single side A4 paper with numbered pages with line spacing of 1Â ½ and justified. * Left hand margin of 3cm; Right hand margin 2 cm; Header 2.5 cm and Footer 2 cm * A bibliography and referencing (where applicable) is essential * Harvard system of referencing * A minimum of 10 referenced academic sources is required. * No more than 50% of references may be from the internet. Extent of collaboration allowed: All members of the group should contribute equally to the research and preparation of the report. Average peer grade: All individuals will receive a mean average peer grade (out of 16), based upon a detailed diary addendum completed by all group members, confirming individual weekly contributions and responsibilities toward the completed report. Full group names and accompanying averaged grades should be clearly presented. The tutor reserves the right to adjust any grade if upon evidence &/or investigation any student is deemed to have failed to effectively contribute. Failure to include diary and peer grades will result in the loss of the 25% overall peer grade. Marking Criteria Excellent work, 16 – 14 points *An analysis which deals fully with the major elements from a services marketing point of view *Selection and amplification of ideas which accord with the analysis presented . *Work which shows very good grasp of the concepts in services marketing *Effective use of formatting and layout *An excellent and cohesive report. Above average work, 11 – 13 points *A report which is attractive in appearance which addresses the key issues of the assignment competently and creates a positive overall impression *An analysis which deals competently with most of the assignment’s tasks. *A reasonable choice of ideas which in aggregate show the students understanding of the major elements of the assignment. *Answers which are appropriate and show a good awareness of the services marketing concepts and principles which relate to the assignment areas. *Good use made of formatting and layout. *A good cohesive report. Average work, 8 – 10 points *An analysis, which deals with most areas in a manner which, is correct. * A report which is in the main appropriate and shows a good awareness of the services marketing concepts and principles and which relate to the key areas designated in the assignment *Reasonable use of formatting and layout *A cohesive report. Below average work, 5 – 7 points *A report which would be considered very poor in a commercial or industrial context and which do not allow the assessor to identify most of the achievement of specified tasks. *An erroneous or substantially incomplete analysis from a services marketing point of view *Answers which show poor understanding of the concepts in question. 5.3 Individual Assignment Picton and Broderick define integrated marketing communications as A process which involves the management and organisation of all agents in the analysis, planning, implementation and control of all marketing communications contacts, media, messages and promotional tools focussed at selected target audiences in such a way as to derive the greatest economy, efficiency, effectiveness and coherence of marketing communications effort. Select a large service organisation (e.g. Bank, Airline Company, Telecommunications Company, Hotel) that advertises heavily in many media and by way of a portfolio show how it makes use of the integrated marketing communications concept. You will need to collect your examples over a period of several weeks. If you leave it to the day before it is due in you will inevitably receive a failing grade. This is an individual assignment and I would expect 1500 words plus several examples which may include your notes on what you observe on a store visit. Format for submission Written Report * The word limit for is 1500 words. * All work should be word processed using either Times New Roman or Arial font, Arial 12 point; 1.5 line spacing; single side A4 paper with numbered pages with line spacing of 1Â ½ and justified. * Left hand margin of 3cm; Right hand margin 2 cm; Header 2.5 cm and Footer 2 cm * A bibliography and referencing (where applicable) is essential * Harvard system of referencing * A minimum of 10 referenced academic sources is required. * No more than 50% of references may be from the internet. Details for the assessments will be supplied as separate documents throughout the unit. They will also be available on BREO. Please read the assessment instructions very carefully. 5.4 Submission details – Plagiarism You should hand in assignments through the Assignment Hand in point, located outside the LRC in Park Square next to the Book Return point. For LRC opening times please see You can deposit your assignments at any time throughout the opening times of the University building. Although you will be able to submit your piece of work until 8am the next day and it will be accepted as on time, for example: if an assignment is due in on Monday 19 April it can be submitted up to 7.59am Tuesday 20 April, this is NOT recommended and you should submit your assignment by 4pm on the published due date. You will need to print your own top cover sheets from eVision (these carry the details of the unit and assessment on the front). Attach the top sheet to the assignment securely and then collect a barcode label from the dispenser located at the Security Desk next to the LRC. Follow the instructions on the Assignment Hand in point display to submit the assignment. Collect the receipt which indicates that a piece of work has been handed in. A receipt confirming the unit, assessment and time of submission for the assignment will be sent to your email account. Receipts must be retained as proof that the work has been submitted. You must also submit a copy of your assignment through TURNITIN via BREO. It will graded as a non-submission if written work is not submitted on time through TURNITIN. Coursework must be handed in by the date and time specified in your student handbooks or on BREO. Late work is not accepted, and will be deemed a fail and graded G(0) (no work submitted). Written work must be legible and comprehensible, work may be rejected work which does not meet reasonable standards of presentation, and this may result in you failing or being referred. Written work must be presented in English. Extenuating Circumstances If you believe that you are likely to miss a deadline because of extenuating circumstances (for example illness), you should apply to apply for an extension through the Student Engagement and Mitigating Circumstances Teams via SID. Your application should be accompanied by documentary evidence of your extenuating circumstances. Individual tutors are not able to extend published deadlines. Plagiarism Plagiarism takes the form of repeating another person’s words or images and claiming them as your own, or presenting someone else’s line of thinking as if it was your own. To plagiarise is to give the impression that you have written or designed or thought something that you have in fact borrowed from someone else. You can use other people’s ideas, words and images, but it’s important that you acknowledge them through appropriate referencing. Remember that your examiners are wanting to assess your ability, not those of others, so it’s important that you also interpret others’ work and that there is sufficient of your own work in your assignments that your ability can be assessed. You should keep a careful record of all the sources you use, including all internet material and ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. These are outlined the course handbook and online at: You are also not permitted to re-present any assessment already submitted for one unit as if for the first time in another unit. Double counting of assessed work is not normally allowed. If submitting work previously included in another assessment then you should attribute the section of text from the earlier work so that it can be taken into account by the examiners. Plagiarism Detection Service To help address plagiarism and protect your award, please also ensure you submit a copy your written work electronically through ‘Turnitin’ via BREO. We may also submit your assignment to the UK universities’ JISC Plagiarism Detection Service. Working together Discussing ideas with your fellow students is part of learning and we would encourage you to do this and to exchange interesting and relevant sources and references. However, there is a distinction between sharing ideas and collusion which is an academic offence. You must not work with others to the extent of exchanging written materials you have prepared, such as notes or drafts of assignments unless you have been expressly told that this is permissible. If these types of materials are shared this will be regarded as an assessment offence for the person who lends the material as well as for the person who uses it. Your own work should be regarded as your own property and you should protect it. If you are working in a shared space, log off from the computer you are working on whenever you take a break so that others cannot access or copy your own work; take care to destroy printed drafts or copies of work, rather than just discarding them; and, don’t give your work to others in any format. If you are working on a group assignment make sure you understand the allocation of responsibilities between yourself and the other members of the group. 5.5 Feedback Assessment will be provided individually to students, through group feedback (where relevant) and on your individual student BREO site. There are also opportunities for formative feedback on your work throughout the unit which will help you complete your final assignments. Marked work will be available for collection from the tutor three weeks after the assessment deadline. 6. Teaching and reading schedule You can check your timetable at: then follow the links under ‘units’. If there are changes to the timetable, you will be notified on the BREO site for this unit. Please check it regularly. *Further reading suggestions will be provided to students in a weekly basis through BREO. Further reading includes academic articles, book chapters and case studies. 7. Reading and resources The majority of directed readings will be in the form of books, published conference papers, and case study materials. You will be advised of essential reading relating to each topic covered and directed towards the most relevant textbooks and articles for these subjects. This guidance will be communicated by tutors and via BREO. In addition, you are encouraged to access journal articles via electronic databases and encouraged to search for appropriate examples of relevant research. You are strongly encouraged to access information electronically but to exercise critical judgement when identifying useful sources. The Learning Resources Centre at Park Square houses our main tourism collection. Here you can expect to find copies of essential texts on your reading lists as well as supplementary reading. Many of our resources are in electronic format and can be accessed off-campus. Extensive reading is essential and it is important you reference this work accurately and correctly. Please make you sure you read and follow the guide to referencing found at: Subject –specific library guides are available in printed format in the Learning Resource Centre and on the Learning Resources web site Go to Advice and Help, then Subject Guides. These guides tell you which resources are important for your particular course. The Subject Librarian is Bill Mortimer who can be contacted by e-mail or by phone 01234 351671, ext.4374. Bill is based in the Polhill campus, Room: R1.01. If you want to call him free of charge, that’s possible from the LRC. Essential reading Brassington, F and Pettitt,S (2006) Principles of Marketing, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ. ISBN 0-273-69559-2. Recommended reading Christopher H. Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz, Patricia Chew (2009), Essentials of Services Marketing First Edition, Prentice Hall ISBN-13 978-981-06-7995-8 Kotler, P., Wong, V., Saunders, J. and Armstrong, G. (2005) Principles of Marketing: 4th European Edition, Prentice Hall International/Pearson Education Limited. ISBN: 0273 68456 6 Groucutt, J, Leadley P, Forsyth P (2004) Marketing: essential, principles, new realities First Edition, Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-4114-3

Friday, August 30, 2019

Vbscript Network Shares Lab

VBScript Network Shares Lab Objectives In this lab, students will complete the following objectives. * Create a VBScript Program using NotePad++. * Use WScript. Shell object and its methods. * Use Scripting. FileSystemObject and its methods. * Use LanmanServer,FileService objects and its methods. * Use WScript. Network object and its methods. Element K Network Connections For this lab, we will need to connect to vlab-PC1 and vlab-PC2. The computer vlab-PC1 is the computer on the left side while vlab-PC2 is on the right.If you leave the cursor on the PC icon for a few seconds, a tool-tip message will appear indicating the hostname of the PC. Open vlab-PC1 and login as Administrator with the password password. Return to the network and open vlab-PC2 and login as Administrator with the password password. Note: All captures must be text only—DO NOT capture the NotePad++ application window or the command prompt window. Use copy and paste of text only. Task 1: NetShareServer. vbs Pr ogram on vlab-PC1 * On vlab-PC1, open NotePad++ and from the File menu, select New. Create a Programmer Header that includes the name of your VBScript file, your name, the date, the class, and the name of your professor. Each of these VBScript comment lines begin with a (‘) character. * From the File menu, select Save. Save your program as NetShareServer. vbs in the C:Scripts folder as shown below. * Define the Scripting. FileSystemObject fso that provides control of local folders and files. The â€Å"WinNT://hostname/LanmanServer,FileService object fileServ allows us to create and manage network shares similar to the NET SHARE commands we discussed last week.Note: When you create the fileServ object, the hostname value vlab-PC1 must match the hostname of the computer acting as the server. If you don’t know your Windows hostname, open a Windows CLI and execute the hostname command. Task 2: Create a Folder and Copy Files to the New Folder * Use the fso. CreateFolder( ) to create the folder C:Public. The path and name of the folder to be created is place inside the parentheses and delimited with double quotes. * Use the fso. CopyFile method to copy all files in the C:WindowsCursors folder that start with the letter w to the C:Public folder.There are no parentheses used for this method. The syntax for this method is Note: The first argument is the file/s to be copied and second argument (after the ,) is the destination folder. * Skip several lines and enter the following statements. The WScript. Echo statement simply outputs a new line and announces the end of the program. * Save your program (S). Press the function key and enter: cscript NetShareServer. vbs. Click OK to execute your program. * Below is the run of the program. It should run without errors although it does not produce any output.Check to see if the program successfully created the C:Public directory and copied the files from the C:Windows directory by clicking in the NotePad++ consol e window and entering the command: dir C:Public as shown below. You could also open the Windows CLI and execute the same command to test your script. * Go to the command line or Windows Explorer to verify that C:Public folder has been created and populated with some files. If you have any problems with the RUN, delete the C:Public folder if it exists in Windows Explorer and re-run the script from the Windows CLI using cscript.Check your VBScript program for errors, make the needed changes, delete the C:Public folder if it exists, and run the program again. Task 3: Display Current Network Shares and Create New Share * Skip a line after the fso. CopyFile line and enter the following program lines. * WScript. Echo displays a message to the console windows or desktop. The For Each Next loop is used to display all of the current network shares on the local computer. From the Windows CLI, the NET SHARE command would display the same information. Note: The For Each Next loop is a special F or loop used to access the elements or components in an array.The fileServ object contains an array name( ) that contains all the current network shares fileServ. name(0) .. fileServ. name(n) where n is the last index in the array. * Within a VBScript program, you need to use the â€Å"LanmanServer,FileService† object to create a new network share. Enter the following lines to share the â€Å"C:Public† folder with the share name PublicData. Note where the share name and folder path go in the following commands. MaxUserCount sets the maximum simultaneous connections allowed for this share. After we have created the new share, we want see if the new PublicData share has been added.Type the following code to view the current shares again. The WScript. Echo vbCrLf command displays a blank line. * Save your program (S). Press the function key and enter: cscript NetShareServer. vbs. Click OK to execute your program. You should get an error message as shown below because the folder you are trying to create now already exists. * * Add a new line just above the fso. CreateFolder( ) line with this statement: On Error Resume Next. This statement will ignore noncritical errors and allow the program to continue. * * Save your program (S) and press the function key and enter: cscript NetShareServer. vbs. Click OK to execute your program. You should get a run in the console windows similar to the one below. Verify that the new network share â€Å"PublicData† has been created. Note: If you have errors and need to re-run the program at this point in the development, you may see the PublicData share in both the Current and New Shares because the share may still be valid from your earlier run. Task 4: Add Time Delay, Delete PublicData Share, and Delete C:Public Just above the End of Program message, add the following code. The WScript. Sleep(60000) will pause the script for 60 seconds (or 60,000 milliseconds). The fileServ. Delete and fso. DeleteFolder metho ds will delete the Network Share and delete the C:Public folder and the files it contains. * Save your program (S) and press the function key and enter: cscript NetShareServer. vbs. Click OK to execute your program. You should get a run in the NotePad++ console window similar to the one shown on the next page. Wait until you see the End of Program after the 60-second delay.Copy and paste your NetworkShareServer program sourcecode from NotePad++ and your Run from the NotePad++ Console or the Windows CLI RUN into the spaces provided in your lab-report document. | Task 5: NetShareClient. vbs Program on vlab-PC2 * Leave vlab-PC1 open and return to the Network diagram and select vlab-PC2. If it isn’t labeled, it will be the computer on the right. * Once the vlab-PC2 computer opens, log in as Administrator with a password of password. Cascade the two computer windows, so you can go easier from one computer to the other as shown below. Open NotePad++ on vlab_PC2 and create a Program mer Header that includes the name of your VBScript file, your name, the date, the class, and the name of your professor. Each of these VBScript comment lines begin with a (‘) character. Save your program as NetShareClient. vbs. Task 6: Map the Shared Folder to X: and Display Files * You will need to create Scripting, FileSystemObject called fso to display the files in the mapped drive. The WScript. Network object networkObj actually does the mapping and unmapping of the network share to drive X:. The UNC notation network share we want to access is vlab-PC1PublicData. Keep in mind that the network share PublicData can be anywhere on the network and is not typically a local share. The networkObj. MapNetworkDrive method is used to map the network share on vlab-PC1 to X: drive on vlab-PC2. The Set folder = fso. GetFolder(â€Å"X:†) creates a folder object for the mapped X: drive. * The line Set files = folder. Files creates files collection object that contains all of the f iles in the X: folder. The For Each loop sequences through the items in the files collection object and displays those files.Type in the code shown on the next page. * Save your program (S) and complete the remaining VBScript code that will display the contents of the mapped drive X:, unmap the mapped drive X: and end the program with the message: End of Program. * Check your NetShareClient. vbs program for errors and save it using S. Task 7: Final Run of NetShareServer and NetShareClient * Return to vlab-PC1 and start the NetShareServer. vbs program running with . As soon as the vlab-PC1 NetShareServer. vbs program is running, quickly return to vlab-PC2 and start the NetShareClient. vbs program with .Remember, you only have 60 seconds after you have started the NetShareServer program to successfully run the NetShareClient program. * If you do not get the output shown above, for the NetShareClient. vbs program. Correct any errors and re-save your program. Run the NetShareServer prog ram again on vlab-PC1 and run the corrected NetShareClient program on vlab-PC2. Copy and paste your NetShareClient program sourcecode from NotePad++ and your NotePad++ console run (or Windows CLI run) into the spaces provided in your lab-report document. Submit your completed lab-report document to the iLab Dropbox for this week. |

Thursday, August 29, 2019

WIKI Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WIKI - Assignment Example iv. Leadership and management skills. Should be in a position of coming up with new ideas and coordinating all the activities of the organization. Through this, he/she would become an invaluable asset for the company. The position of a warehouse supervisor would be filled by the most suitable candidate. The successful candidate would be granted a five-year contract which would be renewable upon expiry. The monthly package would be between $ 5,000 and $7,000. It is the responsibility of the warehouse supervisor to be in charge of the day to day operations of the warehouse. A part from coordinating all its activities, the supervisor would keep the record of the stock in and out. The position of an Administration Assistant would be filled by the most competent and highly qualified professional. It is a 3-year contract which can be renewed upon expiry. The monthly salary would range from $2,000 up to $6,000. The Administration Assistant would be in charge of administration. He/she would be responsible for discharging administrative duties on day to day basis. The other role would be taking and keeping records on different issues within the organization. As a junior staff, the Administration Assistant would be expected to perform any other duties delegated to them by their seniors (Gomez-Mejia et al.,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pronouncing the Phoneme for a Foreign Speaker of English Research Paper

Pronouncing the Phoneme for a Foreign Speaker of English - Research Paper Example Roach (1983) describes four functions of intonation as he explains how speakers employ intonation to communicate effectively. The first is the attitudinal function of intonation, which allows people to convey their emotions through a particular tone. For instance, if one can say  ´Good luck’ in such a way as to convey genuine enthusiasm for someone’s prospects, or else utter the same words in a sarcastic way which betrays one’s envy for that other person. Prosodic (loudness, speed, pitch range), sequential (pauses, tonic syllables), and paralinguistic (body language) components play a great part in this function. The accentual function of intonation serves to convey stressed syllables. Usually, tonic syllables are used to convey information. For example, in  ´I’m taking the children to the cinema’, the  ´tonic stress’ (Roach, p. 183) would be on the word  ´cinema’, since it provides information which the speaker needs to stress . The grammatical function of intonation serves to indicate the syntactic aspects of a language and to clarify certain ambiguities. One could ask,  ´The exam’s tomorrow, isn’t it?’ either by employing falling intonation in the tag question (so that the speaker is merely asking for confirmation) or by employing a rising intonation, so that the speaker demonstrates doubt about the statement. The other function Roach describes is the discourse function, where intonation gives indications about the context of an utterance. Stress tends to be placed on words that convey unexpected information, for instance, "He is actually studying".

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategic Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 5

Strategic Management Accounting - Essay Example rocuring cheaper resources can enable a company to keep product costs low, thereby helping either in generating higher profit margins, or lowering selling prices and increase the company’s competitive edge in the market (Lister, 2014; Caplan, 2014). Some of the types of product costing methods are: Standard costing is the conventional method of costing used by most of the companies today. In this method, a company computes the product cost by forecasting the prospective expenditures that the company is going to incur based on expenditures in the previous fiscal; and derives the final price of its products after forecasting future demand of its products. In short, it is a retrospective process that tries to create benchmarks for future costs of production based on its past costs of production. There are 3 components of standard costing: cost of raw materials, cost of labour and overhead expenditures. These three costs are combined and using the targeted value of production, the company determines the cost of each unit of the product. Standard cost can be defined as the budgeted cost of a unit of output The prime benefit of standard costing method is the simplicity of this method. It helps in setting a target cost of production by benchmarking the costs of each factor of production. Creating cost benchmarks using this process is beneficial to the overall cost budgeting of the company. Also, it enables a company to create target revenue levels that it should derive from the sale of each unit of its products. However, standard costing method does not provide the platform for a company to analyse the individual cost factors in details. Also, actual costs incurred by a company for producing its goods during a particular fiscal year may be significantly more than the standard costs of production estimated, due to various real-time factors such as inflation, availability of raw materials and price increments by suppliers. Due to this, the standard costing method is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction at Essay

Relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction at Mcdonalds restaurants - Essay Example HR initiatives of McDonald’s greatly facilitate job satisfaction and create a highly motivated and effective workforce. It promotes a sense of shared vision and collective responsibility resulting in improved performance and productivity. Apart from this, McDonald’s conscientiously encourages professional development through in-house training and creating a continuous learning environment. It helps nurture a high standard of ethics and quality work by inculcating sense of responsibility and accountability in their work parameters. The regular incentives for improved performance, in-house discount on food items and flexible timings are few other vital factors for high job satisfaction amongst the McDonald’s workforce. The recent initiatives by the management to promote employment of people who have been unemployed for more than six months hugely reflects the company’s social consciousness and labor friendly policies (Burley, 2009). One can therefore, conclu de that organizational commitment and job satisfaction at McDonald’s are intrinsically linked. The various service and reward programs encourage its employees to give their best. Its commitment to diversity at workplace ensures relationship building through cross cultural understanding and mutual respect. Reference Burley, Briar. (25 March, 2009) McDonald’s to help unemployed.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cultural Competence in Social Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Cultural Competence in Social Work - Essay Example It is apparent that acquiring cultural competence causes the ability to communicate, understand, and interact effectively with individuals across cultures. Furthermore, a culturally competent person must value prevalent diversity in culture, and portray actions or attitudes that accept as well as promote different cultures. The individual should respond effectively and respectively to people of all races, sexual orientations, cultures, ethnic background, religions or faiths, and classes. Health and human services profession requires a practitioner to recognize, value, and affirm the worth of tribes, individuals, families as well as community. The practitioner also has a responsibility to preserve and protect the dignity of all people in the community. Standards for cultural competence Health and human services work has several cultural competence standards that govern the practice. The National Association of Social Worker (NASW) has stipulated several standards or norms for cultural competence. One of the standards is ethics and values that states that social work professionals should function in conformity to profession’s standards, ethics, and values. In addition, they must recognize ways in which professional and personal values may accommodate or conflict with requirements of diverse clients. Health and human services work has several cultural competence standards that govern the practice. The National Association of Social Worker (NASW) has stipulated several standards or norms for cultural competence.  ... cerning traditions, history, artistic expressions, family systems, and values of individuals that they serve (National Association of Social Workers, 2001). Acquirement of cultural competence skills Cultural competency in health and human services necessitates the acquirement of cross-cultural skills. In this sense, social work professionals should be equipped with suitable approaches, techniques as well as skills that reflect an understanding of importance and influence of culture in the provision of health and human services. In service delivery, social workers should not only be skillful in and well informed about various available services, but should also be in a position to make suitable referrals for their clientele. They should identify and avoid discrimination of clients from service opportunities because of their diversity. Social work professionals should endeavor to provide services that aptly match clients’ culturally unique needs. Besides, they should promote pro cedures and policies that guarantee access to care or services, which incorporates different cultural beliefs and practices (Doman, 2010). Social workers must acquire various critical elements that enhance their ability to be more culturally competent. These elements include  valuing diversity;  being cognizant of various dynamics associated with interaction of cultures;  having the capability to undertake cultural self-assessment;  attaining profound cultural knowledge; and  developing versions of service delivery revealing awareness as well as compliance with cultural diversity.  Social work practitioners should be proficient in these elements and manifested them in their professional as well as social interaction. Furthermore, these elements ought to be incorporated in policies, attitudes, as

Saturday, August 24, 2019

DIgital Image iilustration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

DIgital Image iilustration - Research Paper Example Filippa Hamilton, who is Ralph Lauren’s model in the advertisement related to Blue Label. She is portrayed as a â€Å"skinny model whose waistline was whittled so tiny she appears warped next to her elastic limbs† (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Ralph Lauren himself commented on that matter stating that the picture should be taken down as it portrayed the wrong image of his model, Filippa Hamilton. The image was also termed as â€Å"not recommended† as teen girls and young children would want to be a replica of the model and in the real sense the picture was digitally manipulated (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Other occurrence cases are like the one for O. J. Simpson. On June 27th 1994, Time Magazine used a mug shot belonging to O.J Simpson in their article where their photo illustrator Matt Mahurin was fined heavily for variably darkening and blurring the complexion color of the mug shot photo and also r educing the size of his prisoner ID Number (The Museum of Hoaxes, â€Å"O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot†). The ethics behind this picture was that, critics charged Time Magazine with racism because the picture was blurred and darkened posing O.J Simpson as a very black man. War brewed between Time Magazine and its rival News Week, where the rival claimed that the photo should not have been altered at all (The Museum of Hoaxes, â€Å"O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot†). Beyonce’s photographs are also said to have been digitally manipulated to give her lighter complexion in the Feria hair color ads. The concept behind this was that Beyonce’s pictures were manipulated so that L'Oreal Paris could actually make more sales by making it more appealing to the customers. This implicated that the product could only be sold to its targeted customers who were lighter skinned as compared to darker skinned customers. That is, the product could only attract a larger audienc e if the picture was lighter (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). February last year, Beyonce wore a black mini dress that happened to reveal an unusually pale skin. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, a Ugandan-born British journalist and author accused the singer of â€Å"betraying all Black and Asian women†. â€Å"Too many black and Asian children grow up understanding the sad truth that to have dark skin is to be somehow inferior. Of course, black and Asian parents work hard to give their children a positive self-image and confidence in their appearance, despite the cultural forces stacked against them. But when black celebrities appear to deny their heritage by trying to make themselves look white, I despair for the youngsters who see those images (Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, â€Å"The Daily Mail: Why I believe Beyonce is betraying all black and Asian women†). In 2007, England officially rebuked L'Oreal Paris for misleading its customers with an advertisement of Penelope Cruz in which L'Oreal Paris claimed that the product actually lengthened eyelashes up to 60%. In the real case Penelope Cruz was wearing false extended eye lashes (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Annie Leibovitz, an American portrait photographer digitally manipulated her portraits and photographs so that they would look more of paintings as compared to the usual photographs. She went ahead and got an official portrait of the Queen that was later manipulated so th

Friday, August 23, 2019

Market Segmentation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market Segmentation - Research Paper Example most important aspects of successfully promoting and advertising a product is the process of segmenting the market and ultimately choosing the target market that the product will be primarily sold to. The outcome of this research can be studied and analyzed in common public advertisements such as the online weekly ad for Sears. According to the book entitled Principles of Marketing, market segmentation is defined as â€Å"dividing a market into smaller groups of buyers with distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors that might require separate marketing strategies or mixes†(Kotler and Armstrong, 2010, p. 191). There are many different ways to segment a market including geographically, demographically, psychographically, and behaviorally (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010, p. 193). Once the marketers have determined the different segments, they will typically choose a specific segment that they believe will be attracted to their product. Ultimately, this specific segment is known as a target market(Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). In looking at the weekly ad for Sears, it becomes clear that the company is seeking to reach a specific market. The front page of the ad states â€Å"Amazing back to school looks for Juniors†(, 2011). In conjunction with these words, the ad features Audrina Patridge who is a young reality star who tends to be well known with younger crowds (, 2011). The front page of this ad is trying to reach high school students who are about to go back to school and are likely going to buy new clothes. In presenting their advertisement, Sears has to compete against the many other clothing stores that are trying to reach the same market of young high school kids. At the same time, the store must try to reach the parents of these kids who typically are buying the clothes for their kids. In studying this ad, it would appear that this ad would be successful in reaching their audience. In gearing toward the parents, the ad includes a coupon